Master's Program
Students, who should have already completed basic education in nursing science, are required (1) to study the scientific research process, and (2) to investigate problems in the field of nursing science based on their own academic interest.
Students are also expected to perform independently, demonstrating the ability to utilize various resources, such as literature and lectures, to advance their research activity and raise their own ability in their particular specialty. Because nursing science is a practical science, it is important that students contribute to increasing the quality of nursing practice.
With that point of view in mind, this course will examine and evaluate the relationships between scientific research and nursing practice. The curriculum is thus structured into the following domains: nursing management/political science; nursing practice basics/help studies; infection control nursing science; nursing education science; reproductive health nursing science; pediatric nursing science; adult nursing science; geriatric nursing science; psychiatric nursing science; home health nursing science; public health nursing science; global health nursing science; perianesthesia nursing science; cancer nursing science; family nursing science.
Doctoral Program
The field of nursing science aims to foster researchers. A nursing science researcher should have the ability not only to study nursing science independently, but also to lead a study group. Therefore, in this course, we provide opportunities for communication with other experts from associated fields with broad knowledge, and for academic interchange among students.
The curriculum is structured into the following domains: nursing management/political science; nursing practice basics/help studies; infection control nursing science; nursing education science; reproductive health nursing science; pediatric nursing science; adult nursing science; geriatric nursing science; psychiatric nursing science; home health nursing science; public health nursing science; family nursing science.
Other Department
- Graduate School of Medicine/Graduate School of Public Health
- Nursing
- Training System for Nurses Pertaining to Specified Acts
- Midwifery
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech,Language and Hearing Sciences
- Orthoptics and Visual Sciences
- Assistive Technology Science
- Rehabilitation
- Radiological Science
- Clinical Science in Embryology
- Education and Management in Health and Welfare
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Health Service Management
- Disaster risk management for health
- Health Information Analyst/Health Information Management and Analysis
- International Cooperation in Health and Welfare
- Development of Care and Network
- Health and Social Service
- Journalism on Health and Welfare Issues
- Health Care Interpreting and International Health Service Management
- Clinical Psychology in Health and Welfare
- Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Graduate School of Pharmacy