Disaster risk management for health
Master's Program
This field is the master's program, which intended for, such as health professional and administrative positions corresponding to disaster response. It has become a curriculum structure that can be widely acquire the knowledge and skills that form the foundation of disaster response. The development of disaster manuals and business continuity plan of organization, the way of evaluation of disaster training, education program development related to disaster response, such as the promotion of multidisciplinary cooperation, to solve the problems in the health medical response in the event of a disaster we aim to develop human resources.
Other Department
- Graduate School of Medicine/Graduate School of Public Health
- Nursing
- Training System for Nurses Pertaining to Specified Acts
- Midwifery
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech,Language and Hearing Sciences
- Orthoptics and Visual Sciences
- Assistive Technology Science
- Rehabilitation
- Radiological Science
- Clinical Science in Embryology
- Education and Management in Health and Welfare
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Health Service Management
- Disaster risk management for health
- Health Information Analyst/Health Information Management and Analysis
- International Cooperation in Health and Welfare
- Development of Care and Network
- Health and Social Service
- Journalism on Health and Welfare Issues
- Health Care Interpreting and International Health Service Management
- Clinical Psychology in Health and Welfare
- Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Graduate School of Pharmacy