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矢口 貴博

矢口 貴博
(やぐち たかひろ)准教授

保健医療学専攻 臨床検査学分野
所属キャンパス: 大川キャンパス


Division of Bioinformation, Department of Physiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine
Department of Chemical Technology, Graduate School of Science and Industrial Technology, Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts
Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Graduate School of Health and Welfare Sciences, International University of Health and Welfare


Ph.D. in Medicine (Hyogo College of Medicine)


Molecular Neurophysiology


① Development of anti-dementia drug against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer disease
② Role of ATP released from astrocyte cells during ischemia
③ Analysis of PDGF-D-induced cell migration mechanism in malignant mesothelioma cells
④ Role of ABCG2 transporter on malignancy of endometrial cancer cells
⑤ Role of progesterone receptor on malignancy of endometrial cancer cells



  • The endocrine disruptor bisphenol A promotes nuclear ERRgamma translocation, facilitating cell proliferation of Grade I endometrial cancer cells via EGF-dependent and EGF-independent pathways. Yaguchi T. (2018) Mol Cell Biochem.
  • DL- and PO-phosphatidylcholines as a promoting learning and memory enhancer. Nagata T, Yaguchi T, Nishizaki T.(2015) Lipids Health Dis. doi: 10.1186/s12944-015-0120-4.
  • Isolation of side population cells from endometrial cancer cells using a violet laser diode. Tomiyasu S1, Miyamoto T, Mori M, Yaguchi T, Yakushiji H, Ohno S, Miyake Y, Sakaguchi T, Ueda M, Ohno E. (2014) Hum Cell. 27(1):36-42.
  • 8-[2-(2-Pentyl-cyclopropylmethyl)-cyclopropyl]-octanoic acid and its diastereomers improve age-related cognitive deterioration. Kanno T, Yaguchi T, Shimizu T, Tanaka A, Nishizaki T. (2012) Lipids. 47(7):687-95.
  • PDGF-D/PDGF-ββ receptor-regulated chemotaxis of malignant mesothelioma cells. Okada A, Yaguchi T, Kanno T, Gotoh A, Nakano T, Nishizaki T. (2012) Cell Physiol Biochem. 29(1-2):241-50.


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