Lifestyle Habits

The autonomic nerves and gastrointestinal tract are related. Maintaining a good overall rhythm of life while paying attention to aspects such as diet and exercise can help you to achieve balance in the autonomic nerves and allow the gastrointestinal tract to function at their maximum capability.

Get the proper amount of sleep

If you continue to suffer from a lack of sleep, the balance of the autonomic nerves will be disrupted, leading to a decline in digestive functions. This can in turn make a decrease in appetite or indigestion more likely to occur. The optimal number of hours of sleep is 6 – 8 hours, but there are individual differences. Get an amount of sleep that is ideal for yourself.

Take baths in a way that does not place a burden on your body

Blood collects in your stomach and intestines after a meal for digestion absorption. If you enter the bath at this point, it will lead to blood shortage in the gastrointestinal tract and cause a decline in the digestion absorption function. It is necessary to rest for about an hour before and after a meal. A bath in water between 37 – 39 degrees Celsius is called a tepid bath. Lukewarm water makes the parasympathetic nerve system work and relaxes the body as well as loosen the muscles, reduces fatigue, and promotes sleep.

When taking a tepid bath, it is good to keep the duration of the bath to between 15 and 30 minutes. Set the bathing time to suit your own physical condition. Using aroma oils and bath additives can also enhance the relaxation effect.

Engage in a moderate amount of daily life activities

Daily life activities refer to activities other than exercise that involve physical activity, and include work-related activities. Some specific examples are walking, cleaning the floor, playing with children, providing care for others, gardening, washing the car, moving things, taking the stairs, standing upright, office work, doing the laundry, cooking, and playing the piano. Such daily life activities are important in helping us to maintain our basic physical strength. Gradually increase the types of daily life activities that you engage in.

Do your best to prevent infection

Colds and influenza, which are infectious diseases, are one of the factors that consume your physical strength. Of course, in addition to taking care with your diet, sleep, and exercise, aim to observe cleanliness. Specifically, rinse your mouth, wash your hands, and wear a mask when going to a crowded place or during times when there is a cold going around.
When the air becomes dry in winter, the mucous membrane in the nose and throat dry up, leading to a decline in the body’s physical defense function and making it easier for people to become infected with viruses. Keep the room temperature and humidity at a suitable level, and strive to create an environment where it is difficult for you to catch an infection.

Aim to relax

It is important to do everything at your own pace. If you force yourself to match the pace of others, it would place a burden on your physical and mental health, and could bring about a breakdown in the balance of your physical condition. Furthermore, a heightened level of tension can disrupt the balance of the autonomic nerves and have an impact on your gastrointestinal tract. To maintain your own pace, slow down and rest when you do not feel good. Even if you try to continue keeping up with your activities, a drop in concentration levels and fatigue can lead to many mistakes. Switching off moderately and taking time for yourself can conversely improve the efficiency of your activities.

Excessive anxiety and worrying will tense up the autonomic nerves and bring about a decline in the workings of the gastrointestinal tract. When you are worried about unusual changes to your physical condition or recurrence of the illness, consult with the hospital as soon as possible. If you relax your spirits by smiling and laughing, the parasympathetic nerves will be in a dominant position. As a result, stress hormones will be suppressed and immunity functions will be enhanced. It would be good to create opportunities for laughing in your everyday life. We recommend enjoying stand-up comedies, comic stories, and new forms of comedy, to name a few examples.
