Coping with Fatigue

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Q.What should I do in order to regain my physical strength in order to return to work?
  • A.If you plan to return to work after your condition has stabilized, use the time during recuperation to regain the level of physical strength that you need for work.

    While there are individual differences, everyone experiences a decline in physical strength 1 – 2 months after being discharged from hospital. It is common not to be able to move as you did before the surgery. Regain your physical strength gradually without being impatient or depressed. To achieve that, it is important to ensure that you do not become tired physically and mentally. Make sure that you get enough sleep, and rest if you are tired during the day. Ask your doctor for instructions and discuss methods on how to build up your physical strength.

    We recommend radio gymnastic exercises as a light form of exercise. Doing these exercises when you wake up in the morning, taking deep breaths, and simple stretches are effective. In addition, it would also be a good idea to take short walks. Walking while admiring the scenery can also help to refresh and improve your mood. Do not push yourself with regard to the distance covered in the walk. Instead, monitor your physical condition and gradually increase the range of movement.

    During your recuperation before returning to work, alongside with rehabilitation and regaining your physical strength, it would also be good to drive along the same route as your commuting route, or try taking the train. Gradually increase the time and distance covered. Once your body has become accustomed to it, how about trying to climb the stairs at work?

    After returning to work, do not go to bed too late at night, put effort into maintaining a regular lifestyle, such as by ensuring that you get adequate sleep and taking balanced meals at fixed hours as far as possible. Get sufficient rest on days off work and continue exercising at your own pace to regain muscular strength.
